Success Stories

Safah Field Water Injection Control System

Safa Field, Oman

General Information

Client: Occidental Petroleum of Oman
Occidental Petroleum of Oman has implemented operations to increase production through a combination of development wells, water flooding and successful exploration.
Location: Safa Field, Oman
Completion Date: January 2015
Consultant: Occidental Petroleum of Oman
Contract Type: Design, Supply, and Commissioning of the control panels for well water injection at 32 locations in Safa Field.

Project Scope:

The project is organized to increase the water injection capacity to cover Safah North-B by enhancing oil recovery operation from the field through injecting water in the proposed new wells.

The new water system is planned to handle all the forecasted produced water in addition to the fresh water for covering the shortfall.

The new water injection well will be a mix of debottlenecking the existing facility of water injection network in addition to the 16 new water injection pumps.

Our Solution:

ControlLogix Redundant System and IOs

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